Colour and Monochrome Magic in Kozan & Samuel Coraux SS25 Collections at Kings Road Fashions

Hello, hello, hello,
Jo and Debbie here from Kings Road, welcoming you to another exciting episode of Style It Live - this post is a replay of our weekly Friday Style It Live Session on Facebook. You can watch us live every Friday at 5.30pm here
💫 Today, we’re so excited to share the amazing SS25 collections from Samuel Coraux and Kozan! Think bold pops of colour mixed with chic monochrome magic – it's the perfect combo for your wardrobe this season!
💫 Kozan SS25 is all about sleek monochrome pieces, but here’s the fun part: they’ve already dropped a small High Summer collection featuring a gorgeous turquoise blue print! It’s perfect timing, right? Whether you're headed on a cruise or just love some cheerful, flattering prints, this collection has got you covered. From balloon-shaped dresses (this season’s must-have trend) to monochrome shirts, comfy trousers, and even vichy jackets, the options are endless!
💫 Samuel Coraux Jewellery SS25 mixes colour (some new fantastic colours for SS25) with vibrant, bold accessories that are sure to turn heads. We’re loving how these pieces elevate any look - not to mention, look perfect with monochromes!
✨Let’s dive in… click on the image below to watch the replay on our YouTube channel.
💬 Drop a comment and let us know – are you all about the Pop of Colour or Team Monochrome Magic? We can’t wait to hear what you think! Thank you for joining us and making this such a fun night! See you in-store or catch us online. Tune in every Friday for new arrivals, styling tips, and cosy inspiration.
Find us at Kings Road Fashions – Your Official UK Stockist of Samuel Coraux and Kozan!
Jo & Debbie x
Featured collections:
We stream live on FB every Friday at 5.30pm, join us for the fun and games.
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Our Boutiques:
Leighton Buzzard Boutique
7 Peacock Mews Leighton Buzzard LU7 1JH
Hours: Tue -Sat: 9.30am - 5.00pm Sun - Mon: Closed
Telephone: 01525 376788
Woburn Sands Boutique
53 High Street Woburn Sands MK17 8QY
Hours: Mon -Sat: 9.30am - 5.00pm Sun: Closed
Telephone: 01908 585587
#KingsRoadFashion #KozanFashion #SamuelCoraux #SS25Collection #PopOfColor #MonochromeStyle s #DesignerJewellery #LuxuryFashion